If you’re in Europe, please take this survey to help us understand who is interested in EQ in various European countries. We’ll randomly select one respondent to receive a free EQ assessment w 1:1 debrief via skype, plus we’ll share a report w all who respond. This is part of our ongoing efforts to understand who is in our network and how better to serve you to spread the power of emotional intelligence for positive change.
English: http://eq.org/lime/index.php?sid=44492&lang=en
German: http://eq.org/lime/index.php?sid=36369&lang=de
PLEASE share this with others in your network — a sample invite is below.
——– Sample Invite to EQ EU Survey ——-
Hello ______,
How aware are you of the concept of “emotional intelligence” or “EQ”? EQ is the capacity we all need to understand and use emotions effectively. It turns out that people with these skills have more personal and professional success… and companies that focus on EQ development attract and retain talent better — and make more money. Since EQ skills can be measured scientifically, and they can be learned, there is rapidly growing interest in many parts of the world.
English: http://eq.org/lime/index.php?sid=44492&lang=en
German: http://eq.org/lime/index.php?sid=36369&lang=de