EQ Certification

For the 6th year in a row, the July EQ Trainer Certification boasts a remarkable group of change agents. It’s reassuring to know that, amidst the strife and consumption, there is a large group of people deeply committed to bringing heart and wisdom into the world.

For the first time since 9-11, we have a highly international group — EQ allies from India, Nigeria, Singapore, Dubai, and the US. It’s been a sadness to me that our global allies have stayed away for these years (and no surprise – nor blame to them), so I’m especially glad to see people traveling here again.

What happens when you take 26 people committed to learning about emotional intelligence and bring them through a series of powerful learning tools? There’s something nearly magical in the intensity of awareness, connection, optimism, and purpose. I feel priviledged to be a part of it, and humbled to be helping to lead it.

Curriculum Factory

The last few days have been a whirlwind of curriculum. Still part of the Emotional Intelligence Toolkit, been working on new modules for the EQ Leadership program and the Selling with EQ program. Next week we’re focusing on the EQ Change Management program. Gasping for air!

We’ve had over 400 people take the new English version of the SEI (Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Test) so we’ll be revising the norms and we’ll begin selling the English version in a few weeks (the test was develop in Italy, in Italian, so now we’re adapting it).

I’m a little overwhelmed by the zillion projects on my desk, but glad too. It’s an emotional intelligence training camp here! Got to keep my own emotions in synch so I can do the work I’ve set out.


I left sunny springtime in California and arrived in winter in Calgary. I’m glad to be here though, I am speaking at a conference on youth solvent addiction. This is a group of people who have incredible resilience and a true commitment to their noble goals. And a field where emotional intelligence could be really valuable!

I just posted several new courses on http://www.6seconds.org/new/

I also updated the 2005 EQ training calendar: http://www.6seconds.org/training

I’m tired. This is my 3rd travel week in a row, and all this course putting online stuff put me over the edge. Time for bed!

Exploring Blogosphere

I’ve been hearing so much about Blogger, I decided I had to give it a try. Here I am. How exciting is this? (actually not that exciting yet).

Today I am in Pella, IA. I’m doing the EQ Leader training for Pella Corporation. Looking forward to a great day!